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Friday, 11 September 2020

Attitude is altitude-3

 1. Describe the Chicken drumstick?

2. 'I would be lost it' what is it? Describe?

3.Why nick vijicic wanted to be virgin until marriage?  

Attitude is altitude-2


1. Recreate a sentence by using despite?

2. What is torso?

3.How can he pick things up?

Attitude is altitude -1.


Answer the questions below.

1. who is asked here to imagine? Why?

2.Find the relative clause in the above paragraph?  

Attitude is altitude mind mapping

                    Write these points in your note book  .

         1. Write your own and creative view in the comment box about the above points. 

Attitude is altitude-3

 1. Describe the Chicken drumstick? 2. 'I would be lost it' what is it? Describe? 3.Why nick vijicic wanted to be virgin until marri...